Julie b. Testimonial

My partner and I have only been in NYC for a short time; we moved here last summer. We've faced a myriad of hardships in our first two years of marriage, and it was at the recommendation of my therapist that I decided to try my first hot yoga class back in October.

Since then, these classes have become an anchor for me in all of the chaos. Hot yoga has helped me process my grief, manage the symptoms of depression and anxiety, and has given me strength in more ways than you can imagine.

I've had personal bests in many of your classes; Maja giving me a thumbs-up for one of my best ever standing-head-to-knee poses will forever be a point of pride; Patrick helped me achieve my highest, most glorious standing-bow to date, all while sharing his infectious joy & laughter with the class; Katie's bright energy and spirit has inspired me to one day become a teacher, and I'll forever be grateful to John for leading the class that ultimately hooked my partner onto hot yoga- he absolutely loved it and has committed to coming with me once a week!

- Julie B


Victoria Testimonial